MPT Partnering with County Of Lambton YRASP

MPT is working hard to find new opportunities for your child and alleviate some of the associated cost as well. We are pleased to announce that starting March 2024, MPT is partnering with the County of Lambton Children Services YRASP program. This simply means you are able to use your YRASP funds towards purchasing one or more of our services. Eligible services for children ages 5-13 include the following programs:

Day Camps and Clubs for children ages (5-13)

Math Plus Junior for grades (k-6)

High School Prep for grades (7-8)

Creative Writing for grades (k-6)

Interested in registering for the YRASP program? Contact the County of Lambton today at:


Phone: 519-344-2062 Ext 2201

Interested in registering for one or more from our programs contact us!